
Thank you for being in my life.

I was thinking about how often I feel grateful for the wonderful men in my life. You really are amazing and I am thankful you choose to spend time with me. I am thankful you choose to invest in time with me and that you find value in our transactions. I am very thankful for those who have booked time with me.

Thank you as well to those who have sent me a little something to tell me I’m on your mind, to thank me for something I wrote, or to just put a smile on my face. Your generosity brings sunshine to my day in such an unexpected way. I love to be spoiled and I appreciate all the ways you do this. Sometimes its with a long booking and other times you treat me to a pick me up with cupcakes or a new dress. You enchant me by keeping yourself on my mind.

Thank you. I feel such gratitude for the professional relationships I have with you. You are clients I adore and you make loving so much fun. I love that I get to be something special in your life that is only for you. It is a very special feeling to be someone’s secret.

Thank you for all that you do for me in my life. The big things and the little things. You support me in mind, spirit, and body. You help me spend more time in romantic, playful, fun and positive moments. You help me refocus on dreams that I have for myself. You are making sure I have fun and enjoy my life along the way. You are helping my dreams come true.

Today I am grateful for you and the ways you bring joy to my life.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry