All the Joy

Life is meant to be fun and some days you bring all the joy to my life. Thank you. I am grateful. I love how much I smile after just a few hours with you. You brighten up my week and make things feel so much lighter for me. I lean into it and allow myself the space to luxuriate in these feelings of pleasure.

Thank you for choosing to spend time with me. Each time you do, your investment improves my life. I love that making you feel good is my job and I love when you let me do that for you. In our brief moments, you make sure I have fun, that I laugh and that I feel good too. You make sure that I love this work.

Today I am grateful for the connections and support I have in my life. I greet the day with an open heart and a willingness to approach the day with positivity first.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry