On My Mind

Sometimes you have something you want to work on, to work on together, with me. I find this so sexy, I am always curious and I get that focused look on my face. Our small talk has improved immensely and you are becoming so natural with me. I wonder if you notice or maybe you notice similarly with me. It feels good. It feels good to be with you for these few hours.

I kind of like when I have new things to do after seeing you. I know that sounds funny but I do. Perhaps I learned something new from you and I want to educate myself further. Or you’ve given me loose plans, a budget and time to do research for an escape for us. Maybe there was something new you were interested in and I want to learn more.

I like the feeling.

It feels constructive and related to my professional self. I like that you share things with me. I admire your ability to refrain from condescension if I do not possess the same knowledge as you. I like when you ask me to plan an escape for us and you are okay when I give you three options to pick from. I like that you find ways to keep me on my toes and keep yourself on my mind. You are an excellent lover and I am lucky to have you in my life.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry