
I was thinking about the morning date we had, I think it was a Monday morning. I came over early, we had coffee together and were enjoying it on the couch while laughing about something. I was teasing you, with that clear eyed, twinkly morning innocence – basically begging for it. Our conversation that morning was just a vessel for our relentless flirting. You get me wet with the way you enchant me. It doesn’t take long until I’m straddling your lap while we kiss like crazy.

After we lay in bed, just quietly, my hands wandering up and down your back. The window is open and sounds from outside drift in. I love these quiet moments. We don’t speak but we are communicating. Eventually, the cackling magpies coax a laugh from you and you scoop me closer in your arms. I bury my face in your chest, you are strong and safe and I am swept up in your embrace.

You have a quick shower and it’s time for me to go. I let myself out and walk out into the late morning sunshine. I’m carrying the flowers you gave me, feeling alive in the fresh morning air and I just feel happy. I stop in to grab another coffee and fresh beans for home. I am still thinking about you, smiling over something funny you said. I shower when I get home, it feels so good and the warm water puts my feet back on the ground. I do my stretching, a quick meditation and get dressed for the office. I have a busy day but it doesn’t bother me today. In fact, I’m ready for it.

It’s our escape that keeps me smiling today.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry