Cool Grass in Summer

New Orleans will always have a special place in my heart. Discovering the city with you is one of my favorite memories. It feels not so long ago and I find it hard to believe its been four years ago already. Am I remembering that wrong? I wish time would slow instead of move faster and faster as we age. I had that false belief as a child, that time moved slower when you were older. I had that so wrong.

You wanted me for a long weekend getaway and when I agreed, we planned it together. I remember that afternoon so well, we were just searching for cheap, direct flights and settled on New Orleans because the price was right and the flight was good. I am so glad we did. Never in my life could I be ready for experiencing New Orleans for the first time. We left that Friday morning and were back by Monday late afternoon.

That long weekend was a whirlwind. The first morning we walked down Bourbon, it was quiet and felt like the city was still slumbering in the morning light. The beauty of the street was being renewed as the mess of last night was washed away. We had beignets and espresso on that gorgeous garden patio. You took me on a swamp tour the next morning, we went first thing – bright and early. It was so worth it for the beauty that morning held. I think about the feeling of being in the still swamp in the boat with you, sitting shoulder to shoulder. It was so magical and looking back I wonder is my memory real or have I embellished. Was the bayou really that golden in the morning light?

We spent the evenings exploring. Listening to music, stopping at the casino, and dancing. Frenchmen street was so incredible to explore with you, we had dinner and listened to a little music that night before returning to the suite. The city is so filled with sensuality and experiences that take up space inside of me. When I let it inside me, I wanted it to stay forever. That first night we were so wild in each others arms. The excitement of arriving was all it took to set the mood for the weekend. You kissing a gentle trail down my neck. Me crying out in ecstasy because we didn’t have to hold back. I get so wet thinking about us that night.

I absolutely love exploring. We saved the last day to have no plans except wandering around. You wanted to take me shopping on Magazine and we both agreed on finding some good barbeque. That afternoon, we sat in City Park. With cool grass beneath our feet, we took refuge in the shade of the trees from the incredibly heavy afternoon humidity. You had picked up a watercolour set earlier that day for me and I was painting. You were dozing and reading, lulling in and out of a gentle nap. I wish I could have photographed you in that moment. I was busy trying to paint an urban scene for my travel watercolour journal. The greens in New Orleans are something else. The sounds of the city that afternoon were unforgettable. Music drifting in and out, conversation, laughter, traffic, children playing, and the bells of bicycles that went by. I made that one sound recording, do you remember? I listened to it recently, it took me right back to your arms in New Orleans.

That trip was so special, we just leaned into it. Making love was so fun and easy every time. We were so relaxed and happy. When we parted at the airport it was such a magical dream. God you are sexy. You can be so beautiful and open with me. I feel grateful when I think about this memory. You share incredible things with me and you even let us share together in novel experiences – like New Orleans.

We haven’t talked about travelling lately with all that is going on, but I would love to escape with you again.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry