Your Tender Embrace

I knock and you invite me in. I am nervous and I chatter when I’m nervous. You are kind and nervous too. You tell me directly how you are feeling and this makes it such that we can be on the same page. I am familiar with this feeling but it can still make me shy. I sometimes get caught up in you and act like its the first time ever. You are always so good to me.

I am grateful you are kind to me and you make space for me to get comfortable. You want me to be comfortable as much as I want you to be comfortable. Sometimes that can be hard to understand when I am in the middle of putting all my effort on to you. But I see you. I see the effort you make and the care you put towards my comfortability. You sweep me off my feet when your tender embrace is there to catch me when I get a little scared or nervous.

I am grateful for the wonderful experiences I get to have. I am grateful for attracting good people into my life. I am grateful for you and the care you put towards us.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry