The Quietness

I’m quiet in the cab on the way to dinner, it’s just the way I am. I always want to save the conversation for dinner, so I can look into your handsome face across the table while we converse. It’s not long before we arrive at the restaurant and are taking our coats off before we are seated. At dinner conversation flows naturally, you telling me about your recent adventures and me picturing you in the world, living your life and being happy. We have wine with dinner and you let me choose dessert. In the cab ride back to the hotel, you hold my hand and my heart melts.

We return to your room and I can’t wait to be naked with you. We undress each other and your warm body is so enticing. You tip my chin up towards you and we kiss in a passionate embrace. In bed, the sheets are tangled and you lay on your back while your breathing returns to normal. My hands trail up and down your body. It’s not long before we are all over each other again and you pull me closer as my body trembles in response to your touch. After the third time you are tired and you tell me are you close to falling asleep. I get dressed and we hug one last time before I leave. I hold your face in my hands and kiss you one last time. I wish time could stand still and that I could stay in this moment for a while longer. Instead, I leave you behind as the door closes. My mind is swirling with thoughts of our conversations, your touch and the explosive releases you gave me.

When I am back home, I shower and get ready for bed. I wake up smiling and take time throughout the day to reflect on our time spent together. I find myself being reminded of how grateful I am for this work. For the amazing people that have come into my life. The memory of you stays in my secret heart, deep in the quietness of myself.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry