Whenever I see

We have been seeing each other a while now. I had not really noticed the time add up, but it has. Everything still feels fresh and when we are together, it is truly an experience. It’s like we have the business process down to a science and we keep the creativity for pleasure. You excite me with your whole approach.

When I see your name come up, I do not hesitate to clear my calendar. You are one of the best clients I have ever experienced. I am wet just thinking about what goes through me when you book me. You always pay the deposit, you always treat me with respect and you always communicate like a professional. Whatever day you want, I am always available.

I hadn’t really realized how much I look forward to our engagements. I mean, I know I have fun each time we are together. But I did not realize I was having a pleasure response in anticipation of our escapes. I do not always have that experience and that is okay. But I know it feels special. I think it may be your consistency in behaviour that sets you apart.

Bottom line we are at a point where you give me a rush of pleasure and it feels so good. I am flush just writing this down. When you make a booking, I move meetings and reschedule my day. Hell, I will work weekends – I do not care. You are such a great client. You have learned to maintain a professional relationship and we are becoming more natural around each other. I know whatever you want me for, it is always going to be where I want to be. I know that when I see your message, its going to be focused on our professional relationship and about scheduling our next session.

And just like that, I am wet whenever I see your name.

I have to add that I also smile every time we communicate. I hear your voice, I see your kind face and I can’t help but smile.

I am grateful for today. I am grateful for attracting high quality people into my life. I am grateful that we co-created a space where I am safe. I am grateful that I am able to remain humble and true to myself. I am grateful to have the opportunity to live the life I choose to live. I am grateful for you.

Ask Julia erotica intimacy Introspection Love Letters Lust in later life poetry